
Effective Room Equalization Based on Warped Common Acoustical Poles and Zeros

International Conference
2006-05-20 22:38
Authors : Junho Lee, Jae-woong Jeong, Young-Cheol Park, she-Woong Jeong, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2006

Publisher / Conference : 120th Convention of Audio Engineering Society

Page : 6721

This paper presents a new method of designing room equalization filters using a warped common acoustical pole and zero (WCAPZ) modeling. The proposed method is capable of significantly reducing the order of the equalization filters without sacrificing the filter performance. Thus, the associated input-output delay is much smaller than the conventional room equalization method while its computational complexity is comparable to it. This paper also presents an adaptive IIR filter structure to overcome computational problems associated with calculation of CAPZ coefficients. Simulation results confirm that the use of the proposed algorithm significantly improves the room equalization over a range of low frequencies.
전체 368
10 International Conference Junho Lee, Jae-woong Jeong, Young-Cheol Park, she-Woong Jeong, Dae Hee Youn "Effective Room Equalization Based on Warped Common Acoustical Poles and Zeros" in 120th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.6721, 2006
9 International Conference Kyoung Ho Bang, Young Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "A Dual Audio Transcoding Algorithm for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Services" in 120th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.6814, 2006
8 International Conference Tacksung Choi, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Efficient Out of Head Localization System for Mobile Applications" in 120th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.6758, 2006
7 International Conference Kyoung Ho Bang, Young Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Audio Transcoding Algorithm For Mobile Multimedia Application" in ICASSP, 2006
6 International Conference Bong-Jin Lee, Sung-Wan Yoon, Hong-Goo Kang, Dae Hee Youn "On the Use of Voting Methods for Speaker Identification Based on Various Resolution Filterbanks" in ICASSP, 2006
5 International Conference Tacksung Choi, Junho Lee, Young-cheol Park, Daehee Youn "Analysis and Design Algorithm of Time Varying Reverberator for Low Memory Applications" in 119th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.6561, 2005
4 International Conference Samuel Kim, Sungwan Yoon, Thomas Eriksson, Hong-Goo Kang, Dae Hee Youn "A noise-robust pitch synchronous feature extraction algorithm for speaker recognition systems" in INTERSPEECH, 2005
3 International Conference Jae-woong Jeong, Junho Lee, Young-Cheol Park, Jeong-Tae Kim, Dae Hee Youn "Design and Implementation of IIR Crosstalk Cancellation Filters Approximating Frequency Warping" in 118th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.6490, 2005
2 International Conference Kyoung Ho Bang, Keun-Sup Lee, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Fast Bit Allocation Method for MP3/AAC Encoders" in 118th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, 2005
1 International Conference Min-seok Choi, Hong-goo Kang "An improved estimation of a priori speech absence probability for speech enhancement: in perspective of speech perception" in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005