
Efficient Windowing Scheme for MDCT-Based TCX in AMR-WB+

International Journal
2011-06-01 14:53
Authors : Jae-seong Lee, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn, Kyung-ok Kang

Year : 2011

Publisher / Conference : IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems

Volume : E94-D, No.6

Page : 1341-1344

Although the AMR-WB+ coder provides excellent quality for speech signal, its coding model for music signals is not as optimal as the HE-AAC v2. The main causes of the poor quality of the AMR-WB+ TCX are the non-critical sampling and block artifacts. The new TCX windowing scheme proposed in this paper uses an MDCT with a 50% frame overlap, so that the problems of non-critical sampling and blocking artifacts are significantly mitigated. Due to long overlaps, the proposed scheme involves an additional codec delay. It is, however, moderate for audio services. The results of objective and subjective tests indicate that the proposed scheme achieves noticeable quality improvements for music signals over the previous TCX schemes.
전체 370
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