
Enhancing loudspeaker-based 3D audio with room modeling

International Conference
2010-10-04 23:47
Authors : Myung-Suk Song, Cha Zhang, Dinei Florencio, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2010

Publisher / Conference : MMSP

For many years, spatial (3D) sound using headphones has been widely used in a number of applications. A rich spatial sensation is obtained by using head related transfer functions (HRTF) and playing the appropriate sound through headphones. In theory, loudspeaker audio systems would be capable of rendering 3D sound fields almost as rich as headphones, as long as the room impulse responses (RIRs) between the loudspeakers and the ears are known. In practice, however, obtaining these RIRs is hard, and the performance of loudspeaker based systems is far from perfect. New hope has been recently raised by a system that tracks the user's head position and orientation, and incorporates them into the RIRs estimates in real time. That system made two simplifying assumptions: it used generic HRTFs, and it ignored room reverberation. In this paper we tackle the second problem: we incorporate a room reverberation estimate into the RIRs. Note that this is a nontrivial task: RIRs vary significantly with the listener's positions, and even if one could measure them at a few points, they are notoriously hard to interpolate. Instead, we take an indirect approach: we model the room, and from that model we obtain an estimate of the main reflections. Position and characteristics of walls do not vary with the users' movement, yet they allow to quickly compute an estimate of the RIR for each new user position. Of course the key question is whether the estimates are good enough. We show an improvement in localization perception of up to 32% (i.e., reducing average error from 23.5° to 15.9°).
전체 364
174 Domestic Journal Yoomi Hur, Young-Cheol Park, Seok-Pil Lee, Dae Hee Youn "Efficient Individualization Method of HRTFs Using Critical-band Based Spectral Cue Control" in 한국음향학회지, vol.30, 제 4호, pp.167-180, 2011
173 International Journal Chi-Sang Jung, Hyunson Seo, Hong-Goo Kang "Estimating Redundancy Information of Selected Features in Multi-dimensional Pattern Classification" in Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.32, issue 4, pp.590-596, 2011
172 Domestic Journal 최민석, 신호선, 황영수, 강홍구 "음성 신호에서의 시간-주파수 축 충격 잡음 검출 시스템" in 한국음향학회지, vol.30, 제 2호, pp.73-79, 2011
171 International Conference Myung-Suk Song, Cha Zhang, Dinei Florencio, Hong-Goo Kang "Enhancing loudspeaker-based 3D audio with room modeling" in MMSP, 2010
170 International Journal Dong-il Hyun, Donggeum Lee, Youngcheol Park, Dae Hee Youn, Jeongil Seo "Joint Channel Coding Based on Principal Component Analysis" in ETRI Journal, vol.32, issue 5, pp.831-834, 2010
169 International Conference Chi-Sang Jung, Kyu J. Han, Hyunson Seo, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Hong-Goo Kang "A Variable Frame Length and Rate Algorithm Based on the Spectral Kurtosis Measure for Speaker Verification" in INTERPSEECH, pp.2754-2757, 2010
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165 Domestic Journal 오현오, 정양원 "객체 오디오 부호화 표준 SAOC 기술 및 응용" in 전자공학회논문지, vol.47 SP, 제 5호, pp.45-55, 2010