
Designing a unified speech/audio codec by adopting a single channel harmonic source separation module

International Conference
2008-03-30 23:06
Authors : Sang-Wook Shin, Chang-Heon Lee, Hyen-O Oh, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2008

Publisher / Conference : ICASSP

This paper proposes a unified speech/audio codec by adopting a single channel harmonic separation module as a pre-processor. A modulation frequency analysis method is used for harmonic separation, and the separated components are first encoded by an appropriate codec, e.g. speech codec. The error between input and the encoded signal is re- encoded by another codec. Though any type of codec can be used for the purpose, we adopt two state-of-the-art international standards (AMR-WB and HE-AAC) to provide an interoperability option. The amount of allocated bits to each stage is controlled by a power ratio of separated harmonic components to input signal. Subjective listening tests verify the consistency of the proposed method in speech, music and mixed signal inputs.
전체 370
90 Domestic Journal 최택성, 문선국, 박영철, 윤대희, 이석필 "음악장르 분류를 위한 새로운 자동 Taxonomy 구축 알고리즘" in 한국음향학회지, vol.27, 제 3호, pp.111-118, 2008
89 International Conference Sang-Wook Shin, Chang-Heon Lee, Hyen-O Oh, Hong-Goo Kang "Designing a unified speech/audio codec by adopting a single channel harmonic source separation module" in ICASSP, 2008
88 Domestic Journal 김경태, 이민기, 윤대희 "ITU-T G.729/G.729E 와 호환성을 갖는 광대역 음성/오디오 부호화기" in 전자공학회논문지, vol.45 SP, 제 2호, pp.81-89, 2008
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84 Domestic Journal 정재웅, 송은정, 박영철, 윤대희 "Gini 계수를 이용한 Blind Source Recovery 방법의 구현" in 한국음향학회지, vol.27, 제 1호, pp.26-32, 2008
83 Domestic Journal Bong-Jin Lee, Hong-Goo Kang, Dae Hee Youn "On the Use of Various Resolution Filterbanks for Speaker Identification" in 한국음향학회지, vol.26, 제 3E호, pp.80-86, 2007
82 Domestic Conference 이재성, 박영철, 윤대희 "Warped linear prediction을 이용한 효율적인 AAC 오디오 부호화 알고리듬" in 한국음향학회, 2007
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