전체 370
82 International Conference Eunwoo Song, Frank K. Soong, Hong-Goo Kang "Improved Time-Frequency Trajectory Excitation Vocoder for DNN-Based Speech Synthesis" in INTERSPEECH, 2016
81 International Conference Eunwoo Song, Hong-Goo Kang "Multi-class learning algorithm for deep neural network-based statistical parametric speech synthesis" in EUSIPCO, 2016
80 International Conference Hyeongi Moon, Gyutae Park, Yeong-cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "A Phase-Matched Exponential Harmonic Weighting for Improved Sensation of Virtual Bass" in 140th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.9544, 2016
79 International Conference Il-eun Kwak, Hong-Goo Kang "Robust formant features for speaker verification in the lombard effect" in APSIPA, pp.114-118, 2015
78 International Conference Hyeonjoo Kang, JeeSok Lee, Soonho Baek, Hong-Goo Kang "Systematic Integration of Acoustic Echo Canceller and Noise Reduction Modules for Voice Communication Systems" in INTERSPEECH, 2015
77 International Conference Kyungguen Byun, Eunwoo Song, Hong-goo Kang "A constrained two-layer compression technique for ECG waves" in Enegineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015
76 International Conference Eunwoo Song, Hong-Goo Kang "Deep Neural Network-Based Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis System Using Improved Time-Frequency Trajectory Excitation Mo" in INTERSPEECH, 2015
75 International Conference Heejin Ahn, Eunwoo Song, Won-Suk Jun, Hong-goo Kang "A Compression Algorithms for Hidden Markov Model-Based Speech Synthesis Systems" in ITC-CSCC, pp.942-945, 2015
74 International Conference JeeSok Lee, Sejin Oh, Hong-Goo Kang "Coherent channel based subband multichannel dereverberation" in ICASSP, pp.2704-2708, 2015
73 International Conference Eunwoo Song, Young-Sun Joo, Hong-Goo Kang "Improved time-frequency trajectory excitation modeling for a statistical parametric speech synthesis system" in ICASSP, 2015