
Virtual Source Panning using Multiple-Wise Vector Base in the Multispeaker Stereo Format

International Conference
2011-08-29 23:57
Authors : Se-Woon Jeon, Young-cheol Park, Seok-Pil Lee, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2011

Publisher / Conference : EUSIPCO

Page : 1337-1341

In the last few decades, various panning algorithms have been proposed to generate virtual sound localization in loudspeaker systems. Vector base amplitude panning (VBAP) is the most widely adopted pair-wise amplitude panning method. However, pair-wise amplitude panning has a directional discontinuity problem in the multichannel surround panning. In particular, sound localization for the virtual source does not smoothly vary in the direction of the near speaker. While coincident panning using multiple loudspeakers, such as Ambisonics, performs better, it has less stability in sound localization due to the precedence effect. In this paper, a multiple-wise vector base virtual source panning algorithm is proposed. To generate more stable localization of panning sound, the proposed panning algorithm calculates the amplitude panning gains using multiple-wise vector base formulation. Additionally, the angle-dependent and nonnegative gain control function is applied to prevent artifacts caused by negative amplitude gains. The subjective listening tests using the method of adjustment (MOA) are performed to evaluate the sound localization of the proposed algorithm, which is compared with the conventional amplitude panning methods.
전체 370
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