
Virtual Sound Rendering in a Stereophonic Loudspeaker Setup

International Journal
2011-09-01 14:51
Authors : Tacksung Choi, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn, Seokpil Lee

Year : 2011

Publisher / Conference : IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

Volume : 19, issue 7

Page : 1962-1974

This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the effects of interchannel amplitude and time differences in two channel (stereophonic) sound systems. The analysis is developed by computing the acoustic conditions at the listener's ears as a function of the stereophonic signal feature. We also present separate approximations of head-related transfer function (HRTF)-based panning according to predefined frequency bands. We attempt to create non-sophisticated models of the stereophonic listening mechanism with approximations in both the time and frequency domains. The models are based upon psychoacoustical theories that present the frequency-dependent relative importance of acoustical cues. Based on the model, we propose new panning methods that can enhance the localization accuracy of conventional panning methods, such as amplitude panning and HRTF-based panning. The localization performances of the new panning techniques are evaluated and compared by means of auditory model simulations and listening tests. Through simulations and listening test results, it is shown that the proposed panning method makes substantial improvements in the localization of virtual sources.
전체 370
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225 International Journal Taegyu Lee, Yonghyun Baek, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Stereo upmix-based binaural auralization for mobile devices" in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.60, issue.3, pp.411-419, 2014
224 International Journal Jae-Mo Yang, Hong-Goo Kang "An Efficient Multichannel Linear Prediction-Based Blind Equalization Algorithm in Near Common Zeros Condition" in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.21, issue 3, pp.306-310, 2014
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222 International Conference Soonho Baek, Hong-Goo Kang "Vector Taylor Series based HMM Adaptation for Generalized Cepstrum in Noisy Environment" in ASRU, 2013
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