
Efficient Individualization Method of HRTFs Using Critical-band Based Spectral Cue Control

Domestic Journal
2011-05-01 01:41
Authors : Yoomi Hur, Young-Cheol Park, Seok-Pil Lee, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2011

Publisher / Conference : 한국음향학회지

Volume : 30, 제 4호

Page : 167-180

Recently, 3-D audio technologies are commonly implemented through headphones. A major problem of the headphone-based 3-D audio is in-the-head localization, which occurs due to the inaccurate Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF). Since the individual measurements of HRTFs are impractical, there have been several researches for HRTF customization. In this paper, an efficient method of customizing HRTFs for the sound externalization is proposed. Firstly, it is determined which part will be customized in HRTF through psychoacoustical experiments. Then, the method controlling spectral notches and envelopes to provide individual localization cues are described. Since the proposed method is based on a critical-band rate, the structure is much simpler than that of previous studies, but still effective. The performance was evaluated through a series of subjective tests, and the results confirmed that the customized HRTF using proposed method could replace the measured individual HRTF successfully.
전체 364
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