
On the Use of Various Resolution Filterbanks for Speaker Identification

Domestic Journal
2007-12-01 00:50
Authors : Bong-Jin Lee, Hong-Goo Kang, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2007

Publisher / Conference : 한국음향학회지

Volume : 26, 제 3E호

Page : 80-86

In this paper, we utilize generalized warped filterbanks to improve the performance of speaker recognition systems. At first, the performance of speaker identification systems is analyzed by varying the type of warped filterbanks. Based on the results that the error pattern of recognition system is different depending on the type of filterbank used, we combine the likelihood values of the statistical models that consist of the features extracting from multiple warped filterbanks. Simulation results with TIMIT and NTIMIT database verify that the proposed system shows relative improvement of identification rate by 31.47% and 15.14% comparing it to the conventional system.
전체 364
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85 International Journal Junho Lee, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Robust pseudo affine projection algorithm with variable step-size" in Electronics Letters, vol.44, issue 3, pp.250-252, 2008