
On the Importance of Transition Regions for Automatic Speaker Recognition

International Journal
2010-01-01 14:26
Authors : Bong-Jin Lee, Chi-Sang Jung, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2010

Publisher / Conference : IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems

Volume : E93-D, No.1

Page : 197-200

This letter describes the importance of transition regions, e.g. at phoneme boundaries, for automatic speaker recognition compared with using steady-state regions. Experimental results of automatic speaker identification tasks confirm that transition regions include the most speaker distinctive features. A possible reason for obtaining such results is described in view of articulation, in particular, the degree of freedom of articulators. These results are expected to provide useful information in designing an efficient automatic speaker recognition system.
전체 367
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111 International Journal Bong-Jin Lee, Chi-Sang Jung, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Hong-Goo Kang "On the Importance of Transition Regions for Automatic Speaker Recognition" in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E93-D, No.1, pp.197-200, 2010
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