
A Fast Adaptive-codebook Search Algorithm for G.723.1 Speech Coder

International Journal
2005-01-01 13:11
Authors : Sung-Kyo Jung, Kyung-Tae Kim, Young-Cheol Park, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2005

Publisher / Conference : IEEE Signal Processing Letters

Volume : 12, issue 1

Page : 75-78

This letter presents a new fast search algorithm for the multitap adaptive codebook used in the G.723.1 standard speech coder. In contrast with the standard method that a closed-loop pitch lag and gains for a fifth-order pitch predictor are searched simultaneously, the proposed algorithm adopts a sequential and restricted approach to determine the parameters. In other words, the proposed scheme first determines a couple of pitch lag candidates using a first-order pitch predictor and then computes the pitch gains of the fifth-order predictor within a restricted search area. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm reduces the total complexity by 30.69% in the encoding process and provides speech quality equivalent to the standard method.
전체 371
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