
Constrained-Optimized Sound Beamforming of Loudspeaker-Array System

International Conference
2008-10-01 23:17
Authors : Myung-Suk Song, SoonH Beak,Seok-Pil Lee, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2008

Publisher / Conference : 125th Convention of Audio Engineering Society

Page : 7641

This paper proposes a novel speaker-array system to form relatively high sound pressure toward the desired location. The proposed algorithm adopts a constrained-optimization technique such that the array response to the desired response is maintained over mainlobe width while minimizing its sidelobe level. At first the characteristic of sound propagation in reverberant environment is analyzed by off-line computer simulation. Then, the performance of implemented speaker-array system is evaluated by measuring sound pressure distribution in a real test room. The results show that the proposed sound beamforming algorithm forms more concentrative sound beam to desired location than conventional algorithms even in reverberation environment.
전체 370
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82 International Conference Myung-Suk Song, SoonH Beak,Seok-Pil Lee, Hong-Goo Kang "Constrained-Optimized Sound Beamforming of Loudspeaker-Array System" in 125th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.7641, 2008
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