Vowel place detection for a knowledge‐based speech recognition system
International Journal
2008-06-01 23:30
전체 370
78 | International Conference | Junho Lee, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Robust Crosstalk Cancellation Based on Energy-Based Control" in AES 34th International Conference, 2008 | |
77 | International Conference | Jae-Mo Yang, Min-seok Choi, Hong-Goo Kang "Two-channel DOA estimation usign frequency selective music algorithm with a phase compensation in reverberant room" in 2008 5th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, 2008 | |
76 | Domestic Conference | 최택성, 현동일, 이석필, 박영철 "실시간 멀티채널 3차원 오디오 렌더링 시스템 디자인" in 한국통신학회, vol.37, pp.684, 2008 | |
75 | Domestic Conference | 이건우, 이재성, 이태진, 박영철, 윤대희 "LPC를 이용한 저비트율 HE-AAC의 음질향상 기법" in 한국통신학회, 2008 | |
74 | Domestic Conference | 백순호, 송명석, 강홍구 "스피커 어레이 시스템을 위한 탈반향 기술" in 2008년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, 2008 | |
73 | International Journal | Jung-Won Lee, Jeung-Yoon Choi "Acoustic‐phonetic features for stop consonant place detection in clean and telephone speech" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.123, issue 5, 2008 | |
72 | International Journal | Jungin Lee, Jeung-Yoon Choi "Detection of obstruent consonant landmark for knowledge based speech recognition" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.123, issue 8, 2008 | |
71 | International Journal | Sukmyung Lee, Jeung-Yoon Choi "Vowel place detection for a knowledge‐based speech recognition system" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.123, issue 5, 2008 | |
70 | International Conference | Myung-Suk Song, Seok-Pil Lee, Hong-Goo Kang "Simulation and Measurement of Sound Beam Forming by Speaker-Array in Room Reverberation Environment" in ICEIC, pp.1050-1054, 2008 | |
69 | Domestic Conference | 이준호, 박영철, 윤대희 "적응 노치 필터를 이용한 음향 하울링 제거기" in 사단법인 한국정보전자 통신학회, 2008 | |