
A Unified Framework for the Generation of Glottal Signals in Deep Learning-based Parametric Speech Synthesis Systems

International Conference
2018-09-01 16:37
Authors : Min-Jae Hwang, Eunwoo Song, Jin-Seob Kim, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2018

Publisher / Conference : INTERSPEECH

In this paper, we propose a unified training framework for the generation of glottal signals in deep learning (DL)-based parametric speech synthesis systems. The glottal vocoding-based speech synthesis system, especially the modeling-by-generation (MbG) structure that we proposed recently, significantly improves the naturalness of synthesized speech by faithfully representing the noise component of the glottal excitation with an additional DL structure. Because the MbG method introduces a multistage processing pipeline, however, its training process is complicated and inefficient. To alleviate this problem, we propose a unified training approach that directly generates speech parameters by merging all the required models, such as acoustic, glottal and noise models into a single unified network. Considering the fact that noise analysis should be performed after training the glottal model, we also propose a stochastic noise analysis method that enables noise modeling to be included in the unified training process by iteratively analyzing the noise component in every epoch. Both objective and subjective test results verify the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to conventional methods.
전체 355
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15 International Conference Min-Jae Hwang, Frank Soong, Eunwoo Song, Xi Wang, Hyeonjoo Kang, Hong-Goo Kang "LP-WaveNet: Linear Prediction-based WaveNet Speech Synthesis" in APSIPA, 2020
14 International Conference Min-Jae Hwang, Eunwoo Song, Ryuichi Yamamoto, Frank Soong, Hong-Goo Kang "Improving LPCNet-based Text-to-Speech with Linear Prediction-structured Mixture Density Network" in ICASSP, 2020
13 International Conference Kyungguen Byun, Eunwoo Song, Jinseob Kim, Jae-Min Kim, Hong-Goo Kang "Excitation-by-SampleRNN Model for Text-to-Speech" in ITC-CSCC, 2019
12 International Conference Min-Jae Hwang, Eunwoo Song, Jin-Seob Kim, Hong-Goo Kang "A Unified Framework for the Generation of Glottal Signals in Deep Learning-based Parametric Speech Synthesis Systems" in INTERSPEECH, 2018
11 International Conference Min-Jae Hwang, Eunwoo Song, Kyungguen Byun, Hong-Goo Kang "Modeling-by-Generation-Structured Noise Compensation Algorithm for Glottal Vocoding Speech Synthesis System" in ICASSP, 2018
10 International Conference Eunwoo Song, Frank K. Soong, Hong-Goo Kang "Perceptual quality and modeling accuracy of excitation parameters in DLSTM-based speech synthesis systems" in ASRU, 2017
9 International Journal Eunwoo Song, Frank K. Soong, Hong-Goo Kang "Effective Spectral and Excitation Modeling Techniques for LSTM-RNN-Based Speech Synthesis Systems" in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.25, issue 11, pp.2152-2161, 2017