
Robust Representation of Spatial Sound in Stereo-to-Multichannel Upmix

International Conference
2010-05-01 23:45
Authors : Se-Woon Jeon, Young-Cheol Park, Seok-Pil Lee, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2010

Publisher / Conference : 128th Convention of Audio Engineering Society

Page : 7976

This paper presents a stereo-to-multichannel upmix algorithm based on source separation method. In the conventional upmix algorithms, panning source and ambient components are decomposed or separated by adaptive algorithm, i.e. least-squares (LS) or least-mean-square (LMS). Separation performance of those algorithms is easily influenced by primary to ambient energy ratio (PAR). Since PAR is time-varying, it causes the energy fluctuation of separated sound sources. To prevent this problem, we propose a robust separation algorithm using pseudo inverse matrix. And we propose a novel post-scaling algorithm to compensate for the influence of interference with considering desired multichannel format. Performance of the proposed upmix algorithm is confirmed by subjective listening test in ITU 3/2 format.
전체 364
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