전체 364
134 | International Conference | Dongil Hyun, Jeongil Seo, Youngcheol Park, Daehee Youn "Robust Interchannel Correlation (ICC) Estimation Using Constant Interchannel Time Difference (ICTD) Compensation" in 127th Convention of Audio Engineering Society, pp.7934, 2009 | |
133 | International Journal | Chang-Heon Lee, Hyen-O Oh, Hong-Goo Kang "On the Study of Noise Allocation for Speech Signal in Low Bit-Rate Audio Coding" in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.16, issue 10, pp.849-852, 2009 | |
132 | Domestic Conference | 이동금, 서정일, 박영철, 윤대희 "MPEG Surround 멀티채널 부호화기의 디코릴레이션 필터 개선 방법" in 한국통신학회, pp.519-522, 2009 | |
131 | International Journal | Bong-Jin Lee, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Hong-Goo Kang "Phonetically optimized speaker modeling for robust speaker recognition" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.126, issue 3, 2009 | |
130 | International Conference | Jae-Mo Yang, Chang-Heon Lee, Hong-Goo Kang "A robust time difference of arrival estimator in reverberant environments" in EUSIPCO, 2009 | |
129 | International Conference | Ho Seon Shin, Hong-Goo Kang, Min-Seok Choi, Taesu Kim "SPEECH REINFORCEMENT BASED ON BINAURAL LOUDNESS MODEL" in The Fourth Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctoral Forum, 2009 | |
128 | International Journal | Tacksung Choi, Sunkuk Moon, Young-Cheol Park, Dea Hee Youn, Seokpil Lee "A GMM-Based Feature Selection Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification" in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E92-D. No.8, pp.1584-1587, 2009 | |
127 | Domestic Journal | 정양원, 오현오 "오디오 객체 부호화 표준 - MPEG SAOC" in 한국음향학회지, vol.28, 제 7호, pp.630-639, 2009 | |
126 | Domestic Journal | SoonHo Beak, Myung-Suk Song, Seok-Pil Lee, Hong-Goo Kang "반향 환경에서의 스피커 어레이를 이용한 소리 집중 기술" in 한국음향학회지, vol.28, 제 6호, pp.548-556, 2009 | |
125 | International Conference | Chi-Sang Jung, Moo-Young Kim, Hong-Goo Kang "Normalized minimum-redundancy and maximum-relevancy based feature selection for speaker verification systems" in ICASSP, pp.4549-4552, 2009 | |