

International Conference
2009-08-01 23:42
Authors : Ho Seon Shin, Hong-Goo Kang, Min-Seok Choi, Taesu Kim

Year : 2009

Publisher / Conference : The Fourth Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctoral Forum

This paper proposes a speech reinforcement system based on a binaural loudness model to improve intelligibility of the speech in noisy communication environments. Compared to conventional monaural-based approaches, the proposed method provides more suitable gains to a speech signal because the binaural model effectively reflects the influence of noise on both ears. The optimization algorithm based on the golden section search and parabolic interpolation is applied to solve a minimization problem needed for gain calculation. Test results confirmed that the proposed system notably enhanced the clearness of target speech while maintaining speech quality and providing similar loudness with the clean speech.
전체 370
130 International Conference Jae-Mo Yang, Chang-Heon Lee, Hong-Goo Kang "A robust time difference of arrival estimator in reverberant environments" in EUSIPCO, 2009
129 International Conference Ho Seon Shin, Hong-Goo Kang, Min-Seok Choi, Taesu Kim "SPEECH REINFORCEMENT BASED ON BINAURAL LOUDNESS MODEL" in The Fourth Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctoral Forum, 2009
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