
HappyQuokka System for ICASSP 2023 Auditory EEG Challenge

International Conference
2023-05-10 14:32
Authors : Zhenyu Piao, Miseul Kim, Hyungchan Yoon, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2023

Publisher / Conference : ICASSP

Research area : Speech Synthesis

Related project : [RCMS]서울대학교 산학협력단/ 음성의사소통을 위한 완전이식형 폐회로 Brain to X 개발(1/5,3/3)

Presentation : Oral

This report describes our submission to Task 2 of the Auditory EEG Decoding Challenge at ICASSP 2023 Signal Processing Grand Challenge (SPGC). Task 2 is a regression problem that focuses on reconstructing a speech envelope from an EEG signal. For the task, we propose a pre-layer normalized feedforward transformer (FFT) architecture. For within-subjects generation, we additionally utilize an auxiliary global conditioner which provides our model with additional information about seen individuals. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms the VLAAI baseline and all other submitted systems. Notably, it demonstrates significant improvements on the within-subjects task, likely thanks to our use of the auxiliary global conditioner. In terms of evaluation metrics set by the challenge, we obtain Pearson correlation values of 0.1895 ± 0.0869 for the within-subjects generation test and 0.0976 ± 0.0444 for the heldout-subjects test. We release the training code for our model online.

**1st Place in Auditory EEG Decoding Challenge Task 2, SPGC, ICASSP 2023.
전체 370
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146 International Conference Zhenyu Piao, Miseul Kim, Hyungchan Yoon, Hong-Goo Kang "HappyQuokka System for ICASSP 2023 Auditory EEG Challenge" in ICASSP, 2023
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