
Progressive Multi-Stage Neural Audio Codec with Psychoacoustic Loss and Discriminator

International Conference
2023-02-21 14:09
Authors : Byeong Hyeon Kim, Hyungseob Lim, Jihyun Lee, Inseon Jang, Hong-Goo Kang

Year : 2023

Publisher / Conference : ICASSP

Research area : Audio Signal Processing, Coding

Related project : 생성모델 기반 음향압축 기술 연구(3/5)

Presentation : Poster

In this paper, we improve the efficiency of the progressive multi-stage neural audio codec (PR-Codec) by utilizing perceptually motivated training criteria. Although our baseline PR-Codec successfully reconstructs full-band signals by progressively decoding the pre-defined subband signals, transparent quality can only be guaranteed in high bit-rates. To reduce bit-rates while maintaining perceptually transparent quality, we adopt a psychoacoustic model (PAM)-based loss and propose a perceptual weighting discriminator (PWD), which enables us to synthesize and discriminate audio signals in the perceptually motivated domain. We also introduce a scalar quantization with an entropy model to further enhance the quantization efficiency. Our experimental results show that our proposed model significantly improves perceptual reconstruction quality at the expense of the waveform disparity in the time-domain, compared to our previous model.
전체 370
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