
DNN-based Wireless Positioning in An Outdoor Environment

International Conference
2018-04-01 16:33
Authors : Jinyoung Lee, Chahyeon Eom, Youngsu Kwak, Hong-Goo Kang, Chungyoung Lee

Year : 2018

Publisher / Conference : ICASSP

Presentation : 포스터

In this paper, we propose a deep learning based algorithm to estimate the position of an user by utilizing reference signal received power (RSRP) and the location of base stations. To obtain reliable results in a real communication environment, parameters were measured using commercially available base stations and mobile phones within a LTE network. Since the structure of the measured data changes in accordance with the number of connected base stations, it is necessary to work on data uniformity processing before running the deep learning network. Therefore, we extract only the case in which three base stations are connected, using it as a feature of deep learning network. The experimental results reveal that the performance of the proposed algorithm is much better than that of the conventional fingerprint method. The average distance error is reduced from 71.04 meters for the fingerprint-based method to 43.51 meters for the proposed deep learning-based method.
전체 370
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