
Techniques for Synthetic Reconfiguration of Microphone Arrays

International Journal
2011-06-01 14:43
Authors : Yoomi Hur, Jonathan S. Abel, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn

Year : 2011

Publisher / Conference : Journal of the AES

Volume : 59, issue 6

Page : 404-418

Methods are presented for transforming signals from a specific microphone array into those that would have been recorded at a different array at the same location. In a nonparametric method, beams are formed at fixed directions using a low-sidelobe beamforming technique. In a parametric method, beams are formed adaptively using a direction-finding algorithm. In a hybrid method, point source signals and spatially diffuse residual signals are separately processed. Results show good agreement between measured and synthesized array outputs with signal correlation coefficients near 1.0 for all three methods. Informal listening tests confirmed effective sound field resynthesis.
전체 370
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30 International Journal Yoomi Hur, Jonathan S. Abel, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn "Techniques for Synthetic Reconfiguration of Microphone Arrays" in Journal of the AES, vol.59, issue 6, pp.404-418, 2011
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